Monthly Revenue


Year 2018 Monthly Revenue

Consolidated Monthly Revenue     (Unit: NT$ thousand)
Month Amount Increase (Decrease) amount Increase (Decrease) percentage
Year 2018 Year 2017
Jan.  321,833 298,311 23,522  7.89
Feb.  195,405  223,859 (28,454)  (12.71)
Mar. 225,765 244,239 (18,474)  (7.56)
Apr.  202,041  235,059 (33,018)  (14.05)
May 252,376 243,499  8,877  3.65
Jun.  224,278 245,484  (21,206)  (8.64)
Jul. 189,471 204,365 (14,894)  (7.29)
Aug.   240,517 214,354 26,163  12.21
Sept.  237,233 270,982  (33,749)  (12.45)
Oct.  189,320 234,873 (45,553)  (19.39)
Nov.  181,321 229,036 (47,714)  (20.83)
Dec.  137,510 190,584  (53,074)  (27.85)
Total 2,597,070 2,834,644  (237,574)  (8.38)


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